Pacific Crest Trail Day 50

by Yeti
1 minutes read

Day 50

Start: Kennedy Meadows South

Finish: Kennedy Meadows South

Daily Mileage: 0

PCT Mile: 703.4

Zero day today, finishing preparations for the Sierra, and our last chance for a break before we hit its snow and ice. Cookie Monster and I are planning to go through with Lanyard and Lou, and maybe a couple hikers behind us if they catch up in time. We plan to leave tomorrow.

There have been a few groups going through the Sierra already, so there is some limited information on the conditions. There is snow above 9-10,000 feet, which is what we will be above for much of our traverse. It seems to be rapidly melting though, which is both a good or bad thing. If snow is firm, it can be easier to travel on, and can bridge creeks that we would have to otherwise ford. However, if it gets soft in the afternoon, it can make for slow travel sinking in or postholing.

The passes we have to cross also cross steep terrain on snow, and it is best to go across when the snow is more firm and icier in the morning. However, that makes the implications of a fall worse. We are all carrying ice axes though to self arrest if needed.

We will see what happens, but I am not worried about it. It should be beautiful.

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