Pacific Crest Trail Day 93 Chester

by Yeti
2 minutes read

Days 93

Start: Soldier Creek

Finish: Chester, CA

Daily Mileage: 3.3

PCT Mile: 1332.4

I camped only 3.3 miles from town. Many other hikers headed in, even late, but I don’t like to head into town late in the day. You have to get your hitch, find a place to stay, eat, get settled, etc. It isn’t worth it to me to deal with all of that, so I much prefer to camp right outside of town and hit it fresh in the morning.

So I had a healthy 3.3 miles to get into town. An easy roll mostly downhill through the burned forest. One interesting point was that the bridge over a creek had also burned in the fire, so the creek was a wade instead of a dry walk. No big deal, I’ve done much worse.

Then it was a short hop to the road. The road had a horrible setup for hitching, with no shoulder on a fast road, so I wasn’t sure how it would work when I saw it. Not much else I could do though besides sticking out my thumb. After about 15 minutes, a state Highway Patrol Trooper pulled up in the parking area on the other side of the road and asked if I wanted a ride into town. Of course! Can’t ask for a safer hitch than that. So I got a ride anywhere I wanted in the back of a patrol car. Such a friendly trooper. Now I only need a garbage truck and motorcycle for my hitching bucket list.

In town, I started straight out with my hiking chores, and got everything taken care of early before I headed to the hostel where I decided I would stay for the night. I thought about doing an in and out, but the trail ahead is awkward with crossing a national park and a long dry section that has to all be timed. It would be easiest if I started in on that tomorrow.

Then it was a nice relaxing day hanging out at the Hiker Hostel, which was a wonderful place to spend the day.

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