Pacific Crest Trail Day 84 Desolation to Ski

by Yeti
4 minutes read

Days 84

Start: Middle Velma Lake

Finish: Five Lakes Creek

Daily Mileage: 26.3

PCT Mile: 1137

Turns out we were right to camp at the last lake last night. Getting going in the morning, the scenery was just forest for the first half of the day. The wonders of the Desolation Wilderness were seen yesterday.

We rolled quickly through the forest, even with some climbs averaging 3mph the whole way. We moved steadily for the first 4 hours of the day and ended up with 12 miles done, hardly even feeling it. There was almost no snow as well which definitely helped. We were planning a bigger day today, but were even ahead of schedule. There just wasn’t anything to stop and look at or take pictures of. A couple times there were fleeting images of the snowy mountains across the way, but we couldn’t even get a good look at those.

We took an early lunch since we were at the bottom of a climb and I don’t like to stop in the middle of a climb. Then up the hill, though we seem to be back to the old PCT that takes its sweet time gently going up and down. Super easy climb, and even a bonus trailhead that wasn’t in Farout.

Near the top of the climb, things finally started happening. The trees parted and let us have some views of the rocky mountaintops, and then we crossed a couple minor passes and finally spotted Lake Tahoe for the first time from the trail. The very northern end of it; we had almost walked completely by it before getting a views.

We had attained a ridge, but the trail wanted to go down the ridge and back up the same ridge for some reason. I contemplated cutting across to avoid the up and down, but it was snowy and looked a little steep, so it may have been more difficult. So I stayed with the trail where we hit the first real snow traverse of the day.

I must have done something to my right ankle on one of the snow traverses with one of the many typical figure skating performances. It started to hurt slightly to angle my foot upward. No swelling or anything, just a dull pain. I stopped heel surfing my way down all the snow drifts I was traversing, and it seemed to lessen over the course of the day. Just something I will have to keep an eye on now.

The down and up wasn’t bad at all, and soon I had reattained the ridge, which was already the last major feature of the day. The trail ran the ridge for about 5 miles, and there were great views on both sides, from Lake Tahoe to the stacks of mountains to the west. The trail was working overtime to make up for the dull morning.

There were deep valleys and many great rock outcrops thrusting their way into the sky. Soon enough I found a break spot since we were still doing great on time for us to take it all in. Well worthwhile.

Nice easy rolling on the rest of the ridge with only occasional snow patches to cross. We did pass by the top of a ski resort. Looking down a black diamond, I wouldn’t really want to hike down it, even with all of the snow practice I’ve had on this trip. Give me a pair of skis though, and no problem.

As we were crossing the ski resort, a coyote popped out on the ridge. We stared each other down, and I got some pictures before it dashed off.

Then it was just a scenic and easy roll to the end of the ridge, where we headed down many switchbacks.

We got to our camp at 5 in good form considering we had just completed our first marathon day of the trip. It went very well. We just needed to get rid of most of the snow and the miles just rolled by.

As we were eating dinner, I looked over and there was a coyote staring at us from only 20 feet away. Very easy to tell it was a male, it was that close. It then circled us, and gave the French couple next to us some excitement when their dog saw it. All was well though. Both coyotes we saw today seemed quite acquainted and unafraid of humans. Not sure if that’s a good or bad thing.

Even though the first part of the day wasn’t too exciting, there was nothing bad about today. Everything isn’t going to be the most scenic spot on the trail, and sometimes you just have to roll between the good areas. There was great scenery yesterday and then this afternoon, so it is all good in the end, and we are still happy to see ourselves make good progress after the slow days in the Sierra.

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