Arizona Trail Day 42

by Yeti
4 minutes read

19.6 miles
769.5 AZT mile marker

Our tents got a layer of frost last night, but nothing new at this point. We had a more leisurely start after 7 today since we had plenty of time.

There were more rolling grassy hills, though there got to be a lot more trees throughout the day.

We had a small climb early on and got elevated views of the surrounding terrain and our approaching last mountain range that we would cross at the end of the trail. We could first see Miller Peak, the final mountain a week ago in the far distance, but it had been steadily growing closer to the point that you could make out features on the mountain today.

Though we did almost 20 miles, it seemed like a more leisurely day today and we took several long breaks. The trail was pretty easy and we moved pretty well between breaks giving us plenty of time to relax.

We crossed several good water sources throughout the day which made water pretty easy, and they were all pretty good and not water with cow shit sitting in it like yesterday.

We climbed to a second saddle later in the day and when we got to the top there were expansive views to the south, deep into Mexico. We had seen it before, but not this close or our entire horizon like this. We were passing on some of the only hills which reached above broad flat plains.

It was quite exciting to see both Mexico and the final mountain up so close. We all admitted that we were ready to be done with the trail, so we just have to go a little bit further to complete the last little bit.

I can’t really say much more about today. The hiking was again pleasant but summit fever was definitely the theme of the day. It was also nice to do a good amount of miles but take several good breaks during the day and not at all feel rushed.

We got to a campsite with a fire ring next to a dirt road where we set up camp. The others hadn’t had a fire yet this trip, so we gathered wood and started one as we watched a long string of Boarder Patrol trucks go past on the road. A nice clear night with the Milky Way out once again as with most nights this trip when the moon wasn’t too bright. Nice to have a fire and clear skies as the end of this trip draws near.

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