Arizona Trail Day 40

by Yeti
3 minutes read

9 miles
737.2 AZT mile marker

Up to another dry tent and out at the normal time to book it into town. We had 2 miles to the trailhead and another 7 into town, so we were motivated to get there. It was also all on the same forest road, so we expected easy hiking.

We bounced across the same stream we had been following yesterday a few more times and filled up our water before we left it for the last time after 2 miles.

We reached a trailhead where there is a bunch of new trail circuitously avoiding Patagonia, the town we were headed to. The old AZT goes straight through town, but the trail was rerouted 4 miles away from town to get off roads. We opted to greatly simplify our day by taking the old AZT into town since we would have had to do more miles and hitch into town. Not sure why so much work was put into the new trail as it sounds like most hikers just stick to the new trail.

The last 7 miles on the forest road were easy as expected with some moderate views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. The focus was town though.

We flew down the trail and made great time. We got in in about 3 hours when everywhere was still serving breakfast. We arranged to meet Hiep who had gotten to town the night before for breakfast at a bakery where I had a good brisket sandwich and milkshake. We ran into Rob and Jill, the Aussies I camped with one night before heading to our campground to check in. Hiep headed back to the trail and we said our goodbyes for the last time.

As we were crossing a road, a car stopped and asked if we were thru-hikers. When we said yes, they asked if we drank wine. I said yes, and they handed me a bottle of red and said it was from one thru hiker to another. Wow, I think that was my first real trail magic of this trip!

Then it was nearly time for lunch, so Kevin and I went to a Mexican place and I got 2 decent size burritos with chips and salsa and we bumped into Rob and Jill again, and Rhino showed up.

We did most of our town chores, including my first shower in 10 days I think. Much needed. Then it was time for dinner. Back to town to an average American place for some salad to get some veggies in me.

There was a mix of people at the campsite and I talked with a bicyclist who has been on the road for 6 months and some car campers who were amazed that people would hike a trail like I am doing. All good people.

It was a good day and a really refreshing town stop.

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