Arizona Trail Day 22

by Yeti
5 minutes read

20.5 miles
393.2 AZT mile marker

A javalina hung around camp during the night, but it didn’t cause me any trouble. They can get aggressive at times I’ve heard.

I haven’t been setting my alarm since I’ve been waking up naturally at close enough to the right time with the long nights. This morning I awoke right around sunrise which is later than usual. I rushed to pack up in about a half hour to hit the trail before it got too hot.

I topped off with water at the spring near camp and took off. The trail has been rocky, so it was a little slower going than normal, but I had plenty of time to hit my goal so it wasn’t a big deal. The trail followed the high ridge of the Mazatzal range, going over the shoulders of most of the mountains. The mountains got rugged and rocky with different stark colors of rock at times, and were very scenic to walk under. I took lots of pictures as I have through this entire area.

I refilled my water at Bear Spring. As I was approaching the spring, something big crashed through the woods. It had to have been a bear, and they were definitely in the area judging by the amount of scat on the trail. As typical the bear ran away, and I didn’t even see it.

The mountain range started to zig zag a bit, and the trail followed along, winding all over the place chasing the mountains. The surrounding mountains also got much lower so that I was following the most prominent ridge. That also opened up views of far distant mountains and ranges in layers of blue haze.

The day began to get warm around lunch time. I found a somewhat shaded spot to take a quick lunch. I didn’t want to stop too long today to allow more time for the temperature and the slower going through this area. Turns out that was a good plan.

My pace gets slower the warmer it gets. I can keep going, but I just can’t push as hard. My body isn’t built for heat. It was approaching 80 in the nearest town, but it was a little less at elevation. The sun was as relentless as usual out here with not a cloud in the sky. The trail descended when the range ended into an area of lower hills, and it was quite a bit warmer there. I had to slow more and take a couple breaks in the shade, but it was fine.

I got water for the night about 5 miles before the end of the day because there was only one report of water ahead. I later found a stagnant pool where I topped off at, but I learned last year not to play games with water. Always carry at least the minimum you need between water sources you are sure of.

I passed an old mine and then a couple of campsites I didn’t know about. However, I’m glad that I pushed on to the site I was targeting since it offered views of the surrounding mountains and has plenty of room. I again arrived with not too much daylight remaining, but that doesn’t bother me much anymore, especially since the nights are long this time of year.

I was feeling a little tightness in my left hamstring later in the day today, but it went away after I stopped at camp. I will have to keep an eye on that.

The moon is growing and with a half moon now it is fairly bright at night. It will be almost blinding in a few days when it’s full.

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