Arizona Trail Day 13

by Yeti
1 minutes read

0 miles

208.2 AZT mile marker

I took a zero today (0 mile day). I am feeling good on the trail and have no complaints, but I figured the time was right in a big city to take my first day off and let my body rest.

I ate out for all meals to take in some calories and did the remainder of my town chores. Nothing too exciting. Though good food, beer, mead, and cocktails are always exciting.

Mark arrived in town later in the day and is crashing on the floor of my motel room, hiker style.

It got windy today and there is supposed to be some weather rolling in overnight. Huge gusts to 65mph and rain/snow mix, along with cooler temperatures. Breaks got into town as well and we agreed to set out together again tomorrow. We will see what the weather brings, but we will get through whatever it throws at us.

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Sandra Payne October 22, 2022 - 5:55 pm

Your pictures are amazing! Thank you for sharing. I admire you for doing so many beautiful hikes. Keep doing it and keep sharing please!

Yeti October 28, 2022 - 7:35 pm

Thank you Sandra for the comment. It is a lot of work to put this together, especially on the trail, so it’s great to hear it is appreciated.


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