20.3 miles
120.2 AZT mile marker
I had a leisurely start today since I had to wait for the post office to open at 8:30. I packed up and got a giant breakfast burrito to complete my town food baby. I was at the door waiting when the post office opened, and saw an elk out the window while stuffing my food into my pack. A local shoed it away when walking past.
I headed out today with Break. Freeze quit yesterday with foot issues, and most of the others were taking a day off. I thought I would be leaving with Mark and Katherine too, but I didn’t see them.
We set off down the paved AZT which followed a bike path to the next town. Easy walking, but not boring since I had a new hiker to talk to.
We passed the town of Tusayan and snuck into a campground to take some water for the day. We didn’t want to carry it all the way from camp if we didn’t need to.
After that we followed the AZT through ponderosa woods for the entire day. It was basically flat terrain and easy hiking. We had decided to push for about 20 miles which would put us at the next water source and not having to carry our water for the night.
The woods were filled with cows and loggers, and we were often disturbed by the tourist helicopters flying overhead close to the tree tops. I can’t wait to escape their racket.
There were also many trees that had been struck by lightning in the distant or near past.
At the end of the day we came to a lookout tower which afforded views back to the Grand Canyon and the trail ahead including an escarpment we will be following and the San Francisco Mountains in the distance which are now snow capped after the rain yesterday. We will have to see what they are like when we get there.
We found our rain catchment water source and got enough water for the night and camped on a road at a car camping spot since the sun was about to set. We watched the stars after dinner.
Today wasn’t too exciting, but once again it was nice to hike with another new hiker. My legs are starting to feel the miles. Will see how they feel in the morning.